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Te Mata Peak, Hastings, New Zealand, 2016. Lucas Vaudaine

My name is Lucas Vaudaine. I am french, born on the 14th of September, 1993.
The letter J. in my name stands for the word « Jaunt » which I attached to my real name as a pseudonym to share my creative content. There are several reasons for this.
First and foremost, this is the title of one of my favourite short stories from the great Stephen King, published in the June 1981 issue of Twilight Zone Magazine, then later on the Skeleton Crew collection of novellas that my dad introduced me to when I was about 17 years old.
Secondly, I like to think (very modestly) my different creations, as simple as they are, to be suggestive of a kind of an excursion, a ballad, a jaunt that one could mentally have, as he reads one of my stories, play one of my games, or listen to one of my musics.
Following up on this specific aspect of my creative process, I found that my senses seem to be way more sharpened and receptive late at night and with a slight, warm light around me - hence the picture above I've shot in 2016 on Te Mata Peak, New Zealand, that displays the most majestic sunset I've ever been given to contemplate. May I propose you approach my content in the same kind of atmosphere and environment, as it might well serves and complete your experience as well as putting you in the best of dispositions.

Your servant,
Lucas J. Vaudaine

Mon CV

My resume

My strengths

Game Design


Narrative Design

  • Cinematographic : I have what you could call a "cinematographic approach" when it comes to what I want the audience and players to experience. Specifically for storytelling, the action unfolding in a given space, and my sensibility towards camera & music in a video game. This helps me a lot in my creative endeavours.

  • Public speaking : May it be for brainstorms, public reports, meetings, conferences or such, I feel absolutely comfortable speaking in public (though I do not monopolise a discussion ; I am a great listener !)

  • Taking hindsight : I am quite good at remembering what was our primary intention in a project, always trying to remember why I am / we are doing this, and I put effort into not having too much of a "tunnel vision" on my task alone, which also helps to...

  • Putting in perspective : ...see the project as a whole ! The project, as well as the team as a whole.
    Besides, if anything bad or unexpected happens, I rarely suffer from stress or panic, thanks to my ability to put things in perspective (in my personal life as well as in the professional one).


Thank you for your message !

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